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Stephanie Roberts

Updated: May 21, 2020

My FMP Plan


Week 1

What I did:

  • Created my website

  • I did a collaboration with Rona to help her compile a demo of ideas she had.

  • Came up with a chord progression and bpm for my planned 'Happy' song. I could start a demo with these plans.

Am I on track ?

Yes. I already started planning for the 'Happy' demo.

Plan for next week ?

To start recording my 'Happy' demo with the ideas I have compiled.


Week 2

What I did :

  • Started a demo for my 'Happy' song. I did a lot in one day.

  • Researched ORTF stereo technique as I used this technique to record acoustic guitar.

Am I on track ?

Hadn't recorded Ukulele as it may not fit into the 'Happy' song. However, I will bring it in next week and experiment.

Plan for next week ?

Continue working on the new demo.


Week 3

What I did :

Made great progress on 'Happy Steph' and nearly finished the structure.

However, due to the uncertainty of Covid-19 I have been prioritising my practical work over written as I do not have Logic Pro X at home. Therefore, I haven't started my topic research as of yet.

Am I on track ?

Yes and no. My written work is falling behind. However, it it one of my strong suits so I will be able to catch up quickly.

Plan for next week ?

Hopefully finish the structure for 'Happy Steph' and start finishing one of my other demos.


Week 4

What I did :

Collaboration with Rona on Tuesday.

At home I have started to catch up on written work.

I finished the structure for 'Happy Steph' in the nick of time before face-to-face teaching was cancelled. Due to this I went into college Wednesday and grabbed Nathan's work and attempted to get the audio tracks for 'Happy Steph' just to see if I could transfer my work that way.

Am I on track ?

No. I've started to catch up on written work at home.

Due to college closing down and not beign able to transfer my work home I'm goign to have to make changes to my EP plan.

Plan for next week ?

Catch up my diary to the present week and start/continue topic research

Make a plan for how I'm going to proceed my FMP and change my plan if necessary.


Week 5

What I did :

  • Got myself familiar with Reaper.

  • Continues my topic research.

  • Fixed 'Happy Steph'

  • Started composing and recording ‘Sad Steph’

Am I on track ?

No. Due to Covid-19 and the changes to how college is being run from our own homes. I am now behind my timeline and most likely will be for the remainder of the FMP.

Plan for next week ?

  • Continue recording a new 'Sad Steph' song.

  • Continue topic research.


I continued to work throughout the Easter holiday, carrying on with the Emotions in Music section of my website. I researched and finished the section on Intervals,Scales and Pythagoras. I also moved onto the Instruments section getting half way before the end of the holiday. This meant that I was in front of my plan relating to my Emotions in music research. I found that I was relating back to a lot of my previous work which was nice.


Week 8

What I did : Finished off the Instrument post to do with my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section, recreating my Coin Experiment video I did previously this college year.

Am I on track ? Yes. I am on track relating to my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section. Working through Easter helped this. However, I still have not done any recording.

Plan for next week ? Continue the ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’section


Week 9

What I did : I moved onto the Genre post for my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section. I included TEMPO, TIME SIGNATURES and STRUCTURES. By the end of the week I had finished that and started the final post on Vocal Techniques and Lyrical content.

Am I on track ? Yes. I am on track relating to my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section. But again I have not continued any of my songs.

Plan for next week ? To finish the last section of my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section and try to do any recording and mixing.


Week 10

What I did : Finished my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section. Yay. I started to plan out my Recording Techniques website page, thinking about what I need and want to include. To follow I researched a few useful websites and resources I may need for this page. Also, gathering some of my previous work that I included any recording techniques I have used and explained.

Am I on track ? Yes. I have finished my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section and am now moving on to Recording Technique.

Plan for next week ? Start writing about Recording Techniques and try to do any recording and mixing.


Week 11

What I did : Started my Recording Techniques posts. Kicking off with Microphones. I finished that section and thought of a brief addition post called Studio & REAMP. This was finished by the end of the week. Still no recording or mixing, just learning songs on guitar.

Am I on track ? In terms of writing yes. I have started my Recording Techniques page.

Plan for next week ? Moving on to the next posts of my Recording Techniques page.


Week 12

What I did : Continued the Recording Techniques page writing about the Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar and Bass. I was going to do some mixing and recording but my personal PC has some technical issues so I cannot do so now.

Am I on track ? I'm about half way through the Recording Techniques page. However, these songs aren't going to be finished by deadline with these computer issues.

Plan for next week ? Continue Recording Techniques page.



NEW DEADLINE FOR FMP = Friday 22nd May 2020 (for METFEST) Old deadline 5th June.

What I did : Because of the new deadline for METFEST. I had to start finishing this project up, writing about the final subjects of the Recording Technique page. These include Piano, Drums and Home Recording.

Am I on track ? I am now finished !

Plan for next week ? Sleep


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