Since I finished my ‘Conveying moods and emotions into your music’ section (Yay) I moved on to planning out my Recording Techniques website page, thinking about what I need and want to include.
I decided that I am going separate my page into these posts:
Studio & REAMP -Thought was a good idea for general knowledge.
Electric Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Home Recording
For these posts I want to go into depth and include pictures to show what I mean and explain what I’m talking about in clear easy terms.
After planning out what I needed and wanted to talk about, I started researching for useful websites and resources I may need for this page.
Whilst researching I had a light bulb moment, some of the techniques I plan to talk about (such as X/Y) I have done so already in my previous work. So I went sifting through my old work to gather all the information, pictures, audio clips and videos I could. With including new research this website could be very insightful and useful for new musicians.
I now feel confident to start writing next week.