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Stephanie Roberts

Because of the new deadline(Friday 22nd May 2020) for METFEST(Friday 5th June 2020) I had to start finishing this project up. I only had 3 topics left: Piano, Drums and Home Recording.

For each I wrote about suggested Microphones, Recording Techniques and spoke about my own IRL examples(In Real Life for you boomers) for using these techniques(I did this for most posts).

As for the Home Recording post. This was more about options if you are trying to build a home studio on a budget or for beginner musicians that don’t know where to start for a home setup. I spoke about things such as how to utilise your space, options for recording vocals in a bad room and finding alternatives etcetera. This was a nice topic that could be valuable to some.

Little Evaluation of the FMP

This COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging. However, I feel like I have done some good work for this FMP(even if it’s not going to be graded). It turned out to become a blog about about everything I have learnt. Which made it nostalgic to do, in this time especially. Looking back at old work made me smile and remember memories. Enough with the squishy stuff. Overall, I accomplished my goal of writing about ‘How to convey moods and emotions into songs’ and Recording Techniques. However, it’s a shame I didn’t have the motivation to complete and mix my songs that I had come up with over the course of this last year, they would have made great additions to this website/blog.

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