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Week 4

Stephanie Roberts

Monday 16th March 2020

Recorded bass today

Debate to have the bass follow the guitar lead or piano. (The piano jumps in early)

Flexed timed the bass parts to be in time with piano.

Compressed the bass as some notes dynamic was more noticable.


Use this link for help.

I made my own ajdustments.

Technician mentioned it is major minor soundign which reminded me of this song:

Tuesday 17th March 2020


Rona helped record a new and improved Chorus piano part.

In return set up an electric guitar to be recorded through DI.

So far the structure is: Intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus

bridge(middle eight ?)





A typical pop structure.


Technician: says it doesn't sound like a me track. I agree. Producing something happy and uplifting that I like is quite difficult.


Suggested Middle Eight starting chords F or Dm

Or change key completely

Changed the drums in the chorus so the ride plays more. Means a flows tighter to the next section.



F, Dm, Am, Em

F, Dm, Am, G

Decided to beef up the guitars for the bridge. It works very well. Flows well from the chorus.

Technician Sam suggested to reverse the pre-chorus guitar lick. It created an awesome effect.

(The reversed guitar lick)

Practically finished the structure.

Still not overly happy with the Chorus. Probably the bass.

Due to Covid-19 my work experience at C3 has been paused. This saddens me greatly as I've learnt a lot from over the past 5 months. They didn't just teach me about being a part of the event industry, they helped me build up my confidence also. I'm hoping after all this blows over that I'll be able to return and help them rebuild what they have lost.

Thursday 19th March 2020


So due to the corona virus our college is closing down. Which means we have to continue our work from home.

Went into college to grab Nathan's work for him since he's away.

I don't have Logic at home so I decided to try bouncing each track of 'Happy Steph' so I could at least mix it on Ableton or Reaper.

Unfortunatly, some of the audio clips and looses some audio.

It'snot for all of them.

So I'm going to have to re-record those part from home.

I'm hoping Nathan's work will be okay.

Not know how long we will be self isolating for I will have to change my EP plans. As previously said I managed to grab 'Happy Steph' by through bouncing down the tracks seperatly. However I did not do this for 'Metal Demo' or 'Emotional Thing'. Due to this I'll have to record new songs. I plan to record and build on the melody I came up with in Week 2 to replace 'Emotional Thing'. As for the "Angry" 'Metal Demo' I will have to plan and come up with a new thing or try and replicate 'Metal Demo'. I shall keep you updated.


Evaluation of the week:

Everything was going to plan and then it went down hill by mid week.



Davis, A., 2015. [online] YouTube. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 March 2020].

YouTube. 2011. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 March 2020].

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