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Stephanie Roberts

My aim for this week is to finish my ‘How to convey moods and emotions into your songs ?’ topic research page. The last two topics I want to complete are Genres (that will include song structures and tempo) and my last section Vocal techniques and Lyrical Content.


Due to time I kept the Time Signature and Tempo section brief only explaining a few time signatures and keeping the tempo topic short as it’s pretty self explanatory and easy to comprehend.

Lyrical Content and Vocal Techniques - For this section I looked back to my Unit 10 work having known that I briefly work about both subjects. Since I was restricted by a word count on the essay, I was able to expand my points whilst also referencing the quotes and sources I used.

From not being a singer and only knowing about the screaming technique, I had to do a fair amount of research on vocal techniques. Again my Unit 10 research was useful for this. I also decided to add some useful links for the reader, if interested.

My plan next week will be focusing on my Recording Techniques page and start mixing my ‘Happy Steph’ song.

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